Q: When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
A: As long as I can remember I’ve written poetry and short stories. In junior high, I made several attempts at writing books. In college I took a couple of creative writing classes. Over the following years I wrote a couple of books, started taking online classes, and reading books about writing. I’ve always been a writer. I’ve just finally taken that huge stop into publication.
Q: Which authors have inspired you the most?
A: J.K. Rowling, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, George Lucas (wrote the Star Wars scripts which are the fantastic depiction of the hero’s journey)
Q: What was your inspiration for Guardian of Atlantis?
A: While watching the movie, The Lightning Thief, I started thinking, What if Medusa had a daughter? A few days later I watched a television documentary on the search for Atlantis and an episode of Ancient Aliens. I asked myself, What if Atlantis was really an alien research outpost? I kept playing the “what if” game until the story idea grew into the “true” stories behind the myths you read in school—a story that is the result of alien genetic research and an ancient power struggle.
Q: What is your favorite part about being an author?
A: I love creating the stories. I’ve got lots of story ideas in my head and more popping up. I keep an ideas journal to jot everything down that I think of.
Q: What is your least favorite part about being an author?
A: It would have to be editing and not having enough time in the day to write all the stories I’ve got to write.
Q: Are you currently working on any new projects?
A: I’m writing the second book in the Children of Atlantis series. The story picks up just a few weeks after Guardian of Atlantis ends. My goal is to have this book out around the beginning of the new year. I’ve already got an idea for the third book.
I’m also working on the outlines for a trilogy called Fire and Ice. The outline for the first book is almost complete. This trilogy is about a girl who discovers who and what she really is as she learns the truth about fairytales and the Fae. Sorry, the Grimms didn’t quite get the stories right. (wink)
I’ve also have an outline ready for a book about a boy and the problems he has with zombies when one of his ideas goes from bad to really bad.
Q: If you had to describe your main character in three words, what would they be?
A: attitude, caring, afraid
Q: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
A: Write. Write. Write. Be creative. Learn everything you can about the writing process. Don’t give up on your dream. Start a blog and begin building an audience. And remember, as much as you enjoy the creative process of writing, publishing what you write is a job.
Hey guys!
ReplyDeleteJust letting everyone know that Guardian of Atlantis has a new cover and as a celebration, the ebook for the Kindle and the Nook is on sale for $.99.
Thanks for having me.
Annie Rachel Cole