Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place.
A: Definitely! That's happened to me several times, one of them being a historical fiction novel I picked up about a year ago called Jubilee Trail . Historical fiction isn't usually my go to genre, but it was recommended to me by a wrangler on a horseback ride I went on outside of Glacier. She kept saying really good things about it so I got it from the library and read it. I loved it and even bought my own copy for keeps. (I highly recommend it by the way).
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Happy Friday
Hopping through. By Glacier, do you mean in Montana? I've never been to the Glacier Park but now that I'm moving to Montana, I'll have to go.
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
I do mean in Montana. I've been to a lot of national parks in my day, but Glacier is definitely one of the most beautiful! You should definitely make going there a priority at some point IMHO.
DeleteHi & Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteI am yet to pick up a historical fiction, I for some reason just don't find them too appealing although this may change ;)
My FF - http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/feature-follow-friday-6th-july.html
They usually aren't my first choice either, but I have a fascination with the 19th century so this one was worth it!
DeleteI love Historical fiction, but don't read as much as I would like.
I would really recommend this one then!
DeleteI dont think I've read historical fiction in recent memory, maybe in college. Hmm I'll have to give it a whirl.
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-Amanda P
Paranormal Romance
Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteJust hopping by,Happy Friday!
Happy Friday to you too!
Deleteooh, I haven't read this one, historical fiction isn't my genre either but it sounds cool. :)
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Here's my FF: http://yabookseasons.blogspot.com/2012/07/feature-follow-4-winner.html#more
It's pretty long but I thought it was really well written!
DeleteHistorical fiction seems to be the popular answer today! :-)
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Oh and I meant to tell you also, that I LOVE your button, the turtle is SO CUTE!!!