Today I would like to welcome Susan Abel Sullivan to the blog. She is the author of the newly released Cursed: Wickedly Fun Stories, and the first published author of the Word Weaver Press
Q. What was it like to publish your first book?
Like sending your child out into the world. You’re proud of them and want to show them off and you hope other kids will like them.
Q. How do you like being the first published author of World Weaver Press?
It’s an honor to be their debut author, but it’s also a little scary. All that pressure for your book to succeed. . .
Q. Where do you find your inspiration for your stories?
Anywhere and everywhere. These particular stories were inspired by a talent show accident, a train smothered in kudzu, a record album remembered from childhood, and vacuuming, of all things.
Q. How long have you been writing?
I’ve had an off and on romance with writing ever since I graduated from high school, but I didn’t actually marry it until eight years ago.
Q. Cursed’s stories all share certain themes, but are very different from each other, was there one you had the most fun writing?
“The Accidental Poet” was quite fun because I employed limericks. Coming up with goofy, rhyming poetry that moved the plot forward was a seriously enjoyable experience.
Q. Where can readers look to find your work?
Back issues of Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Beyond Centauri, Writers’ Journal, and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. I’ve also been published in online magazines such as AlienSkin and New Myths.
Q. What would you say is the ideal audience for Cursed?
Young Adult Speculative Fiction readers and the young at heart.
Q. What genres do you usually write?
I write predominantly Urban Fantasy and YA Speculative Fiction, but have also written horror, fantasy, and science fiction.
Q. What projects will you be working on next?
I’m currently revising an urban fantasy novel titled THE WEREDOG WHISPERER. Think NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION meets AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. And I’m writing the discovery draft of a YA novel about the supernaturally challenged.

Cursed: Wickedly Fun Stories
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