I am very excited to introduce Robin Waldrop, author of Ties to the Blood Moon, who graciously agreed to do an interview with me!
Author Bio:
Robin hails from Miami, but lives in Alabama with best friend, business partner, and husband John. She is a mother of five, grandmother of six and 7/8, and owner of a variety of different animals.
When she’s not working at her business with her husband she’s found chained to her computer where she likes to play with all her imaginary friends.
She is an award winning author who enjoys writing edgy YA/Urban Fantasy, and FBI suspense/thriller novels and has won two editors choice awards . Always a voracious reader with an unapologetic television addiction, Robin still searches for the perfect cup of coffee.
Q. What was your inspiration for Ties To The Blood Moon?
A. It started out as one of those dreams that stick with you for days after you have it and it just kind of grew from there.
Q. Who is your favorite author? Why?
A. Stephen King. I love his twisted imagination and his writing style. He dares to write whatever he wants, not caring if the reader likes it or not, and I think it’s partially because of that he has been such a huge success.
Q. Are you a Plotter or a Pantster?
A. I am definitely a panster. I tried to plot, but ended up with a big blank page. If I just sit down and start writing the words automatically start to flow.
Q. Which character in this book did you enjoy writing the most?
A. That’s a hard one to answer because I love them all, but if I had to pick just one, of course it would be Genevieve. She’s funny, emotional, and tough all rolled into one.
Q. How many books can we expect to be in this series?
A. At least three, but you never know. Like I said, I LOVE these characters so much, it’s really going to be hard to say good-bye.
Q. What is your favorite part about being a writer?
A. Having the opportunity to create different characters and then sitting back and watching as they take form, growing into these wonderful people that I fall in love with.
Q. What is the hardest part about being a writer?
A. Knowing that eventually I’ll have to say good-bye to some of my more favorite characters. Like Genevieve and William, I’ve grown so close to them and yet I know that after just a few more books it will be time to let them go. Sort of like letting your teens go after high school. Honestly, that’s how I already feel about them.
Q. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
A. The same advice that an author friend once gave to me. IF YOU BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU’RE DOING, NEVER STOP. Regardless of how many doors get slammed in your face, you can never stop doing what you love. Whether it be writing, singing, dancing, or whatever. As long as you keep trying, one day you will succeed.
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