
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Author Interview: Michelle Foxworthy

Today I'd like to welcome Michelle Foxworthy to the blog to talk a bit about herself and her recent release The Village Green!

How did you get the idea for The Village Green?
I’ve always liked reading dystopian literature, such as 1984 and Brave New World. And I wondered, What other devices might a government use to control its citizens. So, I thought of something that is supposed to be used for good, like the environmental movement. I think it is easier to get people to agree to all sorts of things they maybe never would have, if they feel good about themselves in doing it.

Could you talk a bit about your publishing experience?
I had a much easier time than I expected. I finished my book and began submitting it to every publisher I could find that published in my genre. I received a lot of rejections, but within a month of submitting I was accepted by Clean Reads.

Which authors have inspired you the most?
In the dystopian genre, Lois Lowry and Aldous Huxley, have been very influential. 

What is the hardest thing about writing a dystopian novel?
Writing a happy ending.

I see that you live in a 35 foot caravan! Some of my best childhood memories come from the RV trips my family would take in the summer. What's it like being on the road full-time?
It has been an adventure and sometimes very challenging. There are six of us (my husband, four children, and myself) sharing a very limited amount of space, and you really have to be dedicated to the traveling lifestyle to not give up and move back to suburbia. I don’t know how long we will continue, but we are going on three years now.

When you start writing do you have a complete plot in mind or do you see where the story takes you?
I have tried to plot out my stories first, and I do have a basic idea, but I generally just go with the flow.

If you had to describe The Village Green in three words, what would they be?
Vision, hope, courage.

 About The Village Green:
"Kelsey stood in a long line of ragged people..." And so she did every week at the Hand-Out waiting to receive her weekly rations. But the rations were getting smaller and the people were getting worried. 

"Had life always been like this: hunger, want, and disease?" As far as Kelsey knew, it always had, but when she finds the journal of Henry Martin everything begins to change. 

Learning that her best friend is part of an underground resistance is strange enough, but finding out that she is the prophesied liberator of the people is almost too hard to believe. Will Kelsey be strong enough to fulfill that prophecy?

 About Michelle:
M.A. Foxworthy is the author of the dystopian, YA novella,The Village Green.  
She lives and travels full-time with her family in a 35ft travel trailer. When she is not teaching her four children, she enjoys: writing, reading, sight-seeing, and drawing.

Contact the Author:

Book Teaser

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