
Friday, May 31, 2013

Blog Tour Stop: Trickster's Totem

The Magic of Storytelling
I write stories about fantastical creatures, magical objects, and imaginary worlds. Not only do I get to spend the day flying with dragons, playing with fairies, and swimming with mermaids, I’m able to share my adventures with others. Now that The Trickster’s Totem is complete, I’ve been visiting local elementary schools. I bring my posters and signed bookmarks for the kids. I begin my visit by introducing myself and showing the book trailer for The Serpent’s Ring. But I’ve discovered something a little unexpected through this process. 
The students have a ton of intelligent questions. They’re eager to learn about the different realms of mythology and the creatures/gods that dwell there. The boys and girls want to know more about Evan’s and Claire’s superpowers. But it doesn’t end there. They want to know more about my journey to becoming a published author, and what my future holds for me. They wonder if I knew I’d become a writer when I was a kid. A few of these questions caught me off-guard. I didn’t expect 4th and 5th graders to be so incredibly insightful. In fact, I believe they impressed me more than I did them.   
The school year’s coming to an end, but I still have a couple of schools to visit before summertime’s officially here. I’ve decided to give more time to answering questions and interacting with the little visionaries and dreamers of tomorrow. After all, it’s by far more fun, and somewhat surprising, to have the students navigate how our time is spent together.
Photo Credit
Dragon and Floating Castle
photo credit: balt-arts via photopin cc


  1. Thanks for inviting me to your blog. Kids say the funniest things, and that proves true over and over again :)

  2. That's so great that she visits schools and shares her experiences. We never had an author visit our school and I would have loved it if we did!
    It's true that kids ask the best questions! I recently attended an event for Kate DiCamillo and the kids asked the funniest questions! One little, little kid (like 4 or so) asked her if she liked her toast with a great deal of butter, and it was just so cute!

    Thanks for hosting a tour stop!


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