
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Review: Goldilocks

Title: Goldilocks
Author: Anna Rose
Page Count: 149
My Rating: 4 TURTLES: A great read, I definitely recommend.


Katherine, who has grown up in the comfort and safety of her father’s palace, finds herself drawn to the cottage where her late grandmother grew up. Lured by the mysteries of the forest, and alarmed by talk of marriage between her sister and their cousin, she follows her Great-Aunt Rose into the unknown.

Although Katherine enjoys the simple life, she begins to fear for Rose’s sanity as the old woman recalls her childhood experiences, so fantastical they must surely have been imagined. She also fears the rumours of dangerous animals nearby, but an encounter with three bears leads her to discover that her aunt’s stories are true, and that the forest holds secrets even Rose never dreamed of.

A retelling of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.


Goldilocks by Anna Rose is a charming retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Snow White and Rose Red (not to be confused with Snow White and the Seven Dwarves). These two fairytales work very well intertwined and fun twists are added to both of them. It is a very fun, quick read for all ages.

The story was very much like a fairytale in that it took place in a fantastical land like Earth, but it was never specified if it was supposed to be. We never even learn the name of the kingdom or what lands are like outside of it. Most of the characters were not very complex, their challenges were very black and white. The most complicated character of all was Violet, Goldilocks’ aunt, who was a minor character. While I felt this was appropriate with the fairytale feel of the book, it did seem like somewhat of a missed opportunity.

Overall though, this was a great read. I love fairytale retellings and this one was very cleverly done. I am excited to read the next retellings Anna Rose has on the way. Goldilocks is not necessarily labeled as a children’s book, but the content is mild enough that I think younger children could enjoy this novel as well as adults. It is a sweet story definitely worth checking out.

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