
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Follow Friday

Q. It's circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them...

1. I sometimes eat salad with my fingers.
2. I hum along with the sounds of machinery (printers, fans, etc.)
3. I always sleep with at least one animal on my bed.
4. I am a compulsive nail biter ( especially at intense movies).
5. I have a TBR list of about thirty books.


  1. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I think my TBR pile is a few hundred now :)

    I have listed my answers here,

    Have a great weekend..

  2. Hopping through. I tend to bite my nails or a pen when I'm bored.
    My IMM

  3. I cited you in my blog today! Check it out!

  4. My TBR list is huge too-- and growing! (=

  5. 1) I love reading the missed connections section on
    2) I can always find a parking space no matter what.
    3) Dogs seek me out.
    4) My daughters' friends seek me out.
    5) My favorite time to meditate is midnight.


I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!