
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Follow Friday and Nation Poetry Month

5 silly book facts about me:

1. I read faster now that I have reading glasses!
2. I believe in the statement 'don't judge a book by it's cover', but don'e always follow it
3. Though I am an avid fantasy reader I haven't read Lord of the Rings until now
4. In my own book-match-making world, Cinna from 'The Hunger Games' would get together with Magnus Bane from 'The Mortal Instruments'
5. I was walking and reading once and almost stepped into a puddle!

Be sure to leave a link so I can follow you back!

I would also like to announce that April is National Poetry Month (For the U.S. at least but it might be in other places too). I have gotten quite a few new followers since my last announcement, but in honor of National Poetry Month I am hosting a haiku contest on this blog. The guidelines for which are here!

p.s. I know most of you guys know this already, but I want to remind you that you can't post a comment on the guideline page itself you can only post under posts, like this one!


  1. Absolutely love your blog title! I am a new follower!

    Helena @ Vamps R Us

  2. You are so missing out by not reading The Lord of the Rings! It's my favorite book/set of books (depending how you buy them--I have the continuous version).

  3. Hopping through and now following, too :) I *love* turtles!

    Take care & happy reading,
    Ms. C

  4. Excited about poetry month! Newest follower and I love the title of your blog! So cute!
    Please visit me at

  5. Newest follower here via the Friday hop. I'm a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost anything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.

  6. Hi, old follower stopping by!
    Cool facts!
    Have a great weekend!
    Meg @ The Book Addicted Girl

  7. I didn't know it was poetry month. :) I judge books by their covers, too.

  8. I'm a new follower as well! I try not to judge a book by it's cover but alas, I'm a total cover whore and get sucked in by some of the hot books out there. Hope you enjoy your weekend!
    You can find me here - The Bookish Snob

  9. I've seen some surprising answers but I think my response to this week's Follow Friday question will shock most.

    I have to say that I loved the Harry Potter series but have a really hard time admitting it. It's teenage stuff. Perfect for the YA audience, sure.

    But a grown man who just last week blogged about wishing he could step inside the Rogue Warrior book series with Navy SEALs shooting, looting, drinking and wenching has got a real hard time admitting to loving teenie-bopper Harry Potter.

    I go into much more detail on my blog and welcome all comments -

    All I ask is that everyone try and keep their comments civil. It's cool to disagree but flame wars are NOT cool.

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!
    Howard Sherman

  10. I'm a new follower. I love your blog! Check me out at


I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!