
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Author Interview: J.E. Nicassio

How did you get the inspiration for your book?
My youngest son had an unusual supernatural experience in his room when he was eight years old.
He said a light came in his room and someone was trying to take him away. Of course I thought he had a nightmare but he has never been able to shake the experience. One evening while having a bon-fire we came up with the idea of aliens and being abducted. From that moment on I was hooked.

Could you talk a bit about your publication process/experience? 
It has been a journey to say the least. I made a number of crucial mistakes. I learned the hard way. I talked about it in the guest article.

If you could jump into the world of your favorite book, who would you be and what would you do?
It would be Game of Thrones. I would like to jump in the role of the ‘Mother of Dragons’ Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen and save the slaves and rule the Iron Throne!

Are you currently working on any projects?
I am launching the sequel to From the Sky titled Equinox and in the process of writing the third book titled Realm of Truth Teknon.
I am finishing up the newest edition Rocky The Rockefeller Christmas Tree.
And two adult novels, One is ghost story called Kiss from a Rose and the other a novel based on my short story Cursed to Live Again under my pen name Ava Malino with the working title Vexatious.

What is something that surprises people about you?
I am a MUFON Field Investigator- a UFO hunter.

What is the most important thing being a writer has taught you?
To be true to myself. And whenever I make up my mind up to do something I do it to the end.

If your book were made into a movie, what would the tag line on the poster say?
Believe in the Unbelievable! 

About From The Sky:
When Samantha Hunter and her father move to New Mexico, it's a chance to get away from the bittersweet memories of her past and start over. However, the arrival of a dark-haired stranger into her life changes everything. The stranger, a boy, named Lucien introduces Sam to the hidden world of real-life aliens. Redemption and romance follow Sam in her new life as she works to decipher her complicated alien-human relationship and discovers what connects her to this strange alien boy.

About the Author:

J.E. Nicassio is a former freelance writer, MUFON field investigator and the mother of two adult sons based in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Since early childhood, she dreamed of creating characters readers could fall in love with while taking them beyond our reality letting them dare to believe in something more beyond the stars. Those dreams were put on hold while she focused on raising her sons as a single mother. She finally listened to the whispers in her mind to pull herself together and make her dreams a reality. She earned two degrees and followed her gut and typed up the courage not to listen to the naysayers and let her fingers be the guide on her keyboard. From The Sky made its debut a few months after the death of her beloved father. She is also the author of Rocky The Rockefeller Christmas Tree and Louis Joseph’s Ooh Rah.
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