
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spotlight: A.S. Chung

PIGEONHOLE BOOKS  - The Self-Publishing Company
Pigeonhole Books creates children’s picture books for blended, divorced, multicultural and same-sex families. It is a gentle resource that aims to deal with life’s challenges through beautiful illustrations and loving words.

A Banana Split Story is a series within the Pigeonhole Books collection that features stories about children from separated and divorced families.

Mondays and Tuesdays are fun, going on cooking adventures with Dad. We look forward to Wednesdays and Thursday too when we get to be a green thumb with Mum. Don’t forget the holidays! Spring breaks with Mum and hot summers camping with Dad. Each day is a truly special day!

Papa’s sister is getting married today! Daddy helps me with my flower girl bouquet. We witness in delight and giggle with glee but deep down in our hearts, we’re sad you see? When will my fathers be able to wed? I can only hope for change, in the future ahead.

I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Chinese by race, I was educated in the British system and spoke predominantly English at home with a colourful mix of Cantonese colloquialism. I had a wonderful childhood and showed early signs of being a passionate reader with hours poured into books and learning the art of skipping chores and meals, just to finish that extra chapter! My earliest literary influence was Enid Blyton, the one author that could completely immerse me into a wondrous world of books. My current bookshelves are filled with Enid Blyton classics, in hope that one day; my daughter would enjoy them as much as I did.

My tastes in books as I became a young adult turned to Fantasy and this genre would keep me occupied and enthralled for the next two decades. David Eddings became my first love and the start of a deep addiction that at times led to tears when the series would end!

Marriage and parenthood followed which unfortunately ended in a sad divorce but start of yet another literary journey. I turned to Paulo Coelho’s spiritual words to get through this difficult phase in my life and in many ways allowed the slow minutes become beautiful days. This turning of events however, also ignited the need to write and hence the commencement of a very new chapter in my life.

Divorce was of course a very tumultuous time. I was most concerned about my daughter and wanted to shelter her from the unavoidable difficulties. At the time, she was too young to really understand the ramifications of divorce but old enough to know something was amiss. I was then inspired to create Pigeonhole Books.



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