
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Author Interview: Beth and Owen Crane

When did you first know you wanted to write?

I've been an avid reader for as long as I can remember and have spent many a night reading into the small hours. I have been everywhere from absolutely livid that a character did something, to cheering out loud whenever they do another. I have always loved the idea of being able to write the characters in as I think they would act, the characters living and dying as they would according to the rules in my head. It was only a matter of having a story we could run with and actually sitting down to write the thing. 

It happened gradually.  I've loved reading every since I've was young but as I grew life got in the way and I stopped.  When I had kids of my own it rekindled my passion for it.  As Beth grew she started reading the books I read years ago i found a growing desire to write our own stories, it all snowballed from there.

What works of literature, art, and/or music have influenced your writing?

The genius authors of our time and generation as well as ones dead and gone. 

Lewis, Tolkein and Roald Dahl all hold a special place in my heart.  Whatever else I read i find myself returning again and again to those three.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

We both have very active imaginations so the storyline was very fun to think up. There was a lot of loud, excited talking and arm waving as Dad would say something that could happen and I'd come back with something else, and then he would, and I would, back and forth as we let our imaginations run wild. 

I guess it was an amalgamation of all the great story tellers that have gone before added with our own journey.  I wanted to make it relevant to my own children and blend some of their character into the characters in the story.  Then we threw in some magic, griffons, talking gargoyles and rivers of blood, and lots of inspiration from pinterest.

Could you talk a bit about the publication process for your book?

We never intended the book to go beyond our own family, we wrote for the joy of storytelling.  Then some of our friends read it and persuaded us to get it published.  We look at lots of options and eventually went down the self published route so we could give the book away to anyone who wanted it.
Are you currently working on any new projects?
We're writing a second book, to follow Ariella and the Blood Curse. 

If you could be any person for a day, alive, dead, or fictional, who would it be, and what would you do?

After a lot of eye rolling and being told to "stop over thinking it", I've narrowed it down from roughly a few thousand people/characters to Charlie Weasley. He was always my favourite character from the Harry Potter series and I massively respect the fact that he moved countries, away from all his family (and the Weaselys are a tight bunch - bar Percy *boo* *hiss*) to follow his passion and find something he loved to do. He's also ginger, something I'm rather jealous of. I'd have a day living his life, working with his dragons. 

My first choice was Spiderman but them my imagination took over and I flittered between Gandalf, Aragon or Roald Dahl's George who made the marvellous medicine for his grandma.

About the book:
Written by father/daughter writing duo Owen and Beth Crane, Ariella and the Blood Curse is about Ariella Lightharbour is heir to the throne with a kingdom at her feet, but knows she’s meant for more. Forsaking her throne she chooses to become a Guardian. As she embarks on The Journey she must find the courage to battle the deadly Ghost Raiders that murdered her father, discover the identity of the elusive shadow and fight to end the Blood Curse that threatens to overwhelm the land.


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