
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Reading Challenge for 2015

Marisa form Reading to Distraction will be hosting a reading challenge in the year of 2015. I'lll let her describe it in her own words, but if this sounds like something you'd be interested, please pop by her blog for more information!

"I recently came across the '22 Books You Should Read Now, Based On Your Childhood Favorites' article on BuzzFeed and loved reading through it.  I also had a moment of horror when I realized that I missed out (or can’t remember) some of these childhood classics.  As I read through, and kept adding to my 'to be read' list, I decided this would be a good reading challenge for 2015!  After all, 'A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest' - C.S. Lewis.

"The challenge will be to read the matching pairs of books and then to discuss!  This should be nice variety since it will alternate between quick reads and more in depth reads.  As a bonus, the books cover a wide spectrum of genres so there should be something for everyone.  This would be a fantastic family reading adventure as well.

"I will be reading all 22 pairs, but I am recommending folks to sign up for as many pairs as they think is reasonable for their schedule, whether that's one, six or a dozen.  I have individual discussion pages so there can be an ongoing discussion as folks read the book throughout the year."

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I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!