
Friday, November 7, 2014

Character Interview: Astro

Well, here’s a big WOOF and a thank you for having me on your blog. I had had a sniff around and I think this is a great place. While we are talking would you mind scratching behind my ear please? It’s a tricky spot and I just can’t reach.

No problem, Astro. How does that feel?

That’s grrrr- ate! Fanks!

You are welcome, Astro. Now, can you tell me what it’s like to be the star of Astro’s Adventures?

You know stardom is never an easy thing to live with. Sure, we all want to be famous but let me tell you it certainly has its problems, even for a handsome dog like myself. I find that the puppy-ratzi are constantly jumping out and taking my photo. It’s a real invasion of my privacy. Just the other day I was rolling on my back in the grass with my privates exposed for all the world to see then – snap, snap, snap! Photographers everywhere and all splashed around social media (the pictures not my privates). Still, it’s the price you pay for being fabulous.

How did you become the star of Astro’s Adventures?

Well, it all started about four years ago. There I was locked in solitary confinement through no fault of my own – well, I had hurt my leg and wasn’t allowed to run around. I innocently sent out a message to The Organisation to save me – this is a secret group you people know nothing about. It’s set up to help save dogs from neglect. We are taught about it at puppy school.
After my plea to be rescued, Commander Rocky sent around his crack team of operatives to save me. As things turned out I wasn’t really imprisoned and the other dogs found out how spoilt (I mean, cared for) I really was. Boy, did this make Rocky mad! He was so furious he dragged me to the Check Out where I saw how poorly treated so many dogs were.
This made me very sad. I even cried. Rocky said I had learnt my lesson but I decided that I couldn’t leave the other dogs there. Do you know what they say about the Check Out? You go in but you never ‘check out’! It’s a horrible, sad, smelly place. Anyway, without giving too much of the plot away I single-handedly saved the day (Well, with a little help from the operatives, anyway.) Then I was asked to join The Organisation as a secret operative. The rest, as they say, is history.

I understand there are seven published books in the Astro’s Adventures series. Do you have a favourite one, Astro?

I think they are all my favourite because I’m in them all. It’s hard to choose really. Having said that, I love the Golden Treasure because I got to meet Stella Dóro in it. I love Rampaging Rats because I got to travel across Australia and I helped save the bond that exists between humans and their dogs. In Major Dakota’s Ghost, I was in charge because Commander Rocky was dog-napped and that was fun. The ghosts were a bit scary though.
In the Gypsy Curse, there was a robot that looked just like me. What a handsome devil he was too. Sadly, he was a bit naughty and in the next book, Christmas Calamity, he caused an awful lot of trouble for the dogs and Santa Claus himself. In Neptune’s Trident, I was lucky enough to travel under the seas and met Neptune the great god himself. He was a bit strange but I fought an evil pirate catfish and travelled on a luxury liner. That was a lot of fun! Well, until it sank anyway.

What’s next for Astro’s Adventures?

I’m glad you asked me that question. Our latest mission was one where we saved circus animals from a cruel and deadly fate. I don’t want to give too much away but it’s called the Haunted Circus. Susan Day, our scribe, has been busily writing it up.
Before that we were sent on a space adventure to save the moon. It’s a long story but I think your readers will love it. Susan also does the illustrations so this book isn’t quite ready for publication. She’s really slow. I wish she’d hurry up so I can see my beautiful face in print again.

Well, thank you Astro for sharing some of your story with me. Before we go is there anything you’d like to share with my followers?

I would like to remind everyone that all dogs need a loving home, good food, lots of tummy rubs and a ball to chase. To make sure this happens, Susan sends the sales of our books to our local animal shelter.

If your followers would like to read more about my adventures they can hop on over to:
Astro's Author, Susan Day
or grab yourself a copy on Amazon or Smashwords:

Susan likes to post free children’s activities and she reviews other children’s books on her blog. They all can be found here:

Thank you for being my guest, Astro. Can I stop scratching your ear now?


It was my pleasure but if you could just scratch a little lower… that’s it… just over to the left… yeah, yeah… just a bit more…

Book Description:
There is a special organisation responsible for the wellbeing of all dogs. Its main goal is to make sure that all dogs are provided with a proper home, a nice warm bed and a cat to chase. This organisation is kept secret from every human being and operates, as you are about to see, right under our very noses. In this children's story, the first of Astro's Adventures series, Astro learns a valuable lesson about being spoilt, about friendship and about loyalty. At first, he appears to be an embarrassment to The Organisation when they find out he's not been held prisoner but is in fact, very well looked after. However, things turn when Commander Rocky decides to teach Astro a valuable lesson and Astro's true character shines. In the end it is Commander Rocky who learns something very important about this scruffy dog. All the dogs in Astro's Adventure are real and they all play and run together regularly. The cats, Nigel, the twin tabbies and Speed Bump Charlie (yes, that's his real name) are also alive and living, all be it, reluctantly with the Astro's Adventures gang. This story will appeal to all the family and to anyone who enjoys the company of a dog.


  1. Astro is off on another adventure so he's asked me to thank you so much for your wonderful article. It's just great and all the gang at Astro's Adventures really appreciate it.


I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!