
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Author Interview: Rival Gates

Today I'd like to welcome Rival Gates to the blog! He was kind enough to answer some questions about himself and his book.

When did you start writing?
I started writing as a young teen as a way to escape the difficulties of adolescence and economic trouble at home.  It allowed me to escape into a totally different world of my own creation where things could be as I desired.

How did you get the idea for your book?
I came up with the idea for "Quest for the Red Sapphire" out of a short story I had created about a special (not magical) sword named Falconfeather formed from the thigh bone of Talana, Queen of the Falcons.  She was shot down by hunters and the one man who came to her aid was told to take the bone and have a sword crafted from it.  Then she would pour her soul into the blade and serve only him and his kin.  Falconfeather would be the lightest, strongest, shapest sword ever seen and it could communicate telepathically with her owner.  The story snowballed form there and soon was a full fledged book.

What other works do you have out?
The next book in the series is "Sapphire Crucible."  It continues the tale from "Quest for the Red Sapphire" and answers many questions.  It is loaded with action so if that is your cup of tea then this is your book.

Are you currently working on any other projects?
The 3rd book in the series, "Mandrean Revenge" is ready for publication and should be out in the next 6 months.  I am currently working on the 4th book, "Repercussions Abound."

What are your favorite movies, tv shows, and bands? Do they influence your work?
I loved progressive rock growing up.  My favorites were Genesis, Yes, Kansas, Rush and Supertramp.  I was also into a lot of classic rock.  A good deal of inspiration came from listening to those albums over and over.  I loved the Narnia movies and Lord of the Rings series.  The interesting thing about the influence of Tolkien was that I found all his work to be so dark and gloomy.  I loved it but that was not why.  It made me endeavor to make my work a little on the brighter side.  I wanted a protagonist you could not only root for but emulate as well.

In three sentences or less, why should people read your book? 
These are well planned books with clear plots and storylines.  The characters are strong and the main ones grow as the story progresses.  You will keep coming to places where you think, "There's no way they can get out of this one," and then they do. 

About the book:
The book centers around Linvin Grithinshield, a half-elf general called home from the goblin wars to 
run the lucrative family trading business after his father's disappearance. Only after his mother's murder does he discover his destiny is to be the Master of the Red Sapphire, the most powerful magic any mortal can possess. Together with his wise but mysterious Uncle Anvar and his infuriating cousins Bander and Rander, Linvin must flee the would-be assassins and find the gem before the sinister forces from whom he flees find the stone and take it for a dark purpose.

About Rival:
I was born in the USA and moved to Canada when I was 5. My mother was American and my father was originally Canadian before trading his citizenship. I lived in Canada until I graduated highschool. I returned to the United States where I graduated from Michigan State University. While I was there I met the most wonderful woman on this earth and amazingly she agreed to be my wife. We have been married well over 20 years and have three beautiful children.

I began work on my series of books at age thirteen during a difficult time in my family's and my life. Instead of wollowing in self-pitty, I decided to escape to another of my own creation where I could create the characters. What started as a short story turned into a novel and then a series. 

I sat on my work for years, sharing it only with my immediate family. Then my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The longest supporter of my writing made me promiss to publish my work and finish the series. This is my attempt to keep that pledge. Enjoy the ride!

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