
Monday, March 17, 2014

Blog Tour Stop: Baby Gone Bye

Baby Gone Bye
By Marilee Brothers
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Publisher: Bell Bridge Books (November 29, 2013), 212 pages

Baby Gone Bye Synopsis

High school senior, Gabe Delgado, is trying to trade his bad-boy ways for clean living. He remembers nothing about the night a mysterious girl loved him and left him at a party, except … there was a kind of magic around her that had nothing to do with his hangover the next day. Now he finds that “magic” in a basket on his doorstep, cooing at him like a happy little bird.

The note attached to the baby’s blanket says, “Gabe, you probably already know our baby is, well, different. If not, you’ll find out soon enough. Let’s just say she has certain qualities most babies don’t have. The thing is, I’m scared. I’m on my own and can’t keep her safe. But, you can. You’re strong. You have a family to watch out for her. Bad people want her. That’s why I left her with you. I don’t really understand what’s going on, but it has something to do with The Abolesco. Don’t try to find me. Please, take care of our baby girl and love her. Okay?”

Gabe soon discovers there are bad people on baby Birdie’s trail, but why? Suddenly party-boy Gabe has to man up to protect his daughter. Not so easy when her talents include vanishing into thin air. It’s up to Gabe and his girl-pal Abby—who has some extraordinary secrets of her own—to find out what’s up with something called the Scientific Academy of Merit, what the goons want with Birdie, and whether other people like Birdie can be saved too.

When did you first know you wanted to write?
I grew up loving books, but due to working full time and raising three sons, I had little time to write. I wrote poetry and short stories but didn’t tackle a book until my kids were grown. I sent a short story to a writing coach for evaluation and she said, “You need to write a book.” Without her encouragement, it wouldn’t have happened.

Which authors inspire you the most?
That’s like asking me which one of my kids I like the best – LOL. I read in many different genres but mystery is my hands-down favorite. I’m in awe of Elizabeth George, an American writer who writes British mysteries with great accuracy. And, for a thrill a minute, you can’t beat Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series. In the world of non-fiction, I loved Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

       How did you get the inspiration for your novel?
           As a school counselor, I worked in an alternative school that had 
           child care for the teen parents, predominantly girls. After rearing
           three sons, I wanted to explore the challenges faced by a teenage boy   
           suddenly presented with a five-month old infant, especially one with
           magical powers.

    What is your favorite part about being an author?
I believe we all have the desire to express ourselves creatively. Since I’m not capable of creating anything artistic with my hands—it’s like my fingers are blunt instruments—I try to paint a picture with words. I love creating characters, figuring out what makes them tick and then building a story around them.

     What is your least favorite part about being an author?
The promotional and marketing end of publishing are so important and, unfortunately, very difficult for me.

    Could you write a bit about what your publication process was like?
My first book, Castle Ladyslipper, was a medieval romance published by a small press. When I finished my second book, a romantic suspense titled The Rock and Roll Queen of Bedlam, I pitched it to an editor who rejected the book but suggested I concentrate on writing for young adults. I eventually sold Rock and Roll Queen to Medallion Press and then began writing Moonstone, which would become the first book in a 5 book series, Unbidden Magic. I entered the first few chapters in a contest. At the time, I had no idea Debra Dixon, one of the publishers at Belle Books, was a judge. When they started a new imprint, Bell Bridge Books, she hunted me down and asked me to send her Moonstone. That book led to a six-book contract. Baby Gone Bye is the sixth book. Yes, a lot of luck was involved and I’m very grateful.

 Do you have any upcoming projects?
Having finished my contract, I’ve decided to concentrate on the adult market again. I’ve just started a book tentatively titled Affliction with a twenty two-year-old protagonist, Honor Melanie Sullivan. My original intent was to aim for the new adult genre but the book seems to be morphing into a hybrid, combining romantic suspense with a bit of magic. Honor has been diagnosed with Asperger’s because she is socially awkward and doesn’t make eye contact. Real reason she doesn’t make eye contact? She can read people’s souls and, most of the time, she doesn’t like what she sees.

   Describe in three or fewer sentences what makes your book   unique and why a reader should buy it.

High school senior Gabe Delgado is trying to trade his bad-boy ways for clean living. He remembers nothing about the night a mysterious girl loved him and left him at a party, except … there was a kind of magic around her. Now he finds that “magic” in a basket on his doorstep, cooing at him like a happy little bird.

Author Info

Marilee Brothers is a former teacher, coach and counselor. The author of eight books, Marilee and her husband are the parents of three grown sons and live in central Washington State. After writing six young adult books, Marilee is currently hard at work, writing an adult thriller. She loves hearing from people who have read her books. Feel free to contact her at


My Twitter account is: @MarileeB.
My Facebook author page is:
My website is:

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