
Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog Tour Stop: Familiar Origins by B. Pine: author interview

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Eight children, powerful enough to annihilate the vulnerable world in which they live, are wanted by a small but elite group of dragons. Some dragons are good, some are not, but they all have the same goal: To find these children, bond them, and use them as pawns in their ever-enduring conflict.

B. Pine is an award-winning fantasy and science fiction author who keeps her days full by writing, gardening, reading and raising her little ones. She is an avid reader of fantasy, science fiction, and vampire novels, particularly stories with backgrounds based on medieval culture from Western Europe and England, where she lived for four years. Her passion for writing was born after taking a college course in creative writing. She graduated from the University of Maryland and Wilmington University with degrees in Business Management and Accounting, respectively. Her debut novel, Familiar Origins, has won two Royal Dragonfly Book Awards, and her Draca Wards series will be continued in 2013. She also has a short story published in The Imperium Saga: Anthology with fellow authors from Silver Leaf Books, LLC. She is currently working on the next installment of her fantasy saga. Also, visit her at


When did you first know you wanted to write?
I have written stories and poems since I was in elementary school. However, it took a creative writing course in college to bring out my true passion for writing.

Which authors inspire you the most?
I love Anne Rice and the way she can make you feel what her characters are experiencing. Robert Jordan is one of my favorites. Every aspiring fantasy author should read his Wheel of Time series. And Melanie Rawn is another fantasy author who draws you in with her characters.

How did you get the inspiration for your novel?
The idea for the manuscript was actually a combination of old short stories, with each story focusing on one of the main characters in my current story. At one point, as I was going over my stories, I began to ask myself: What if these characters came from the same world and were intertwined somehow? What would their lives be like? And what would they have to go through to reach their destiny? When I was able to answer that last question, I knew that I had a wonderful story just waiting to be written.  

What is your favorite part about being an author?
Putting the stories in my head into words to share with others. 

What is your least favorite part about being an author?
Anything that I have to do that does not involve putting the stories in my head into words.

Could you write a bit about what your publication process was like?
Mainly it involved a lot of waiting. It took 18 months from signed contract to book release. But other than that, it was a drama-free process. Silver Leaf Books is a small indie publisher, so I was able to choose my sister to be my cover artist and book designer. Working with her was the best part of the entire process, since she is hooked on the saga and can understand better than anyone what my vision is. 

Do you have any upcoming projects?
The sequel to Familiar Origins, Plights, is available exclusively through Kindle right now. The print edition is due to be released in February. Readers can also expect more from the Draca Wards Saga coming soon. Familiar Origins is only the beginning.

Describe in three or fewer sentences what makes your book unique and why a reader should buy it.
Unlike most fantasy stories that focus around a single hero or heroine destined to save the world, Familiar Origins is a story about a group of characters, each of them equally important to the plot.  And as children and young teens, they are also experiencing the struggles of growing up and dealing with the world they live in. If you are looking to fall in love with a new cast of great characters, then you have to read my book.

Buy Familiar Origins on Amazon

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Heroines With Heart is a massive blog tour that runs throughout 2013, that features books with strong female protagonists. We have authors from several different genres, including young adult, mystery/thriller/suspense, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, and Christian fiction. We are also giving away fun digital prizes and sharing new and noteworthy books throughout the year. Want updates?

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I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!