
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Follow Friday

Q: What is a deal breaker for you in a book? For example, do you abhor love triangles? Or can’t deal with bad editing?

A: I have several deal breakers in books, but the two that I make no exceptions for are bad editing and whiny, unlikable characters. Generally I do not like love triangles, but there have been exceptions to that rule.

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I love turtles. They are awesome creatures!!
    I agree. I don't like whiny characters either.

    New Follower :)

    You can return the favor@ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

  2. Agreed! I hate whiny characters. Old follower. My FFs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Friday! :D

  3. Super cute blog! I agree with everything you said up there, I have a few likeable love triangles too.

    New follower.
    Alise - My FF Post

  4. I agree. Whine once or twice, maybe even thrice, but then do something about it!

    New follower! Here's my F&F Friday post :)

    - Kazhy @ My Library in the Making

  5. Totally agree, if I can't sympathize with a character, I find it very difficult to care about what happens to them!

    I'm a new follower through GFC. Here's my my FF post

  6. Whiny characters are so very annoying and so is bad editing! Basically, totally agree with you. ;)

    New follower here!

    It would be great if you could stop by my Feature and Follow Friday post.
    We also have an INT PB Giveaway (Murmur Of The Lonely Brook by Debashis Dey) going on, do participate if you like!

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  7. Apart from the bad editing (that everyone hates LOL) I hate stereotyped and weak characters! So annoying!
    Whiny characters are detestable, too. The most annoying whiny character I've ever known is Lucia from Manzoni's Promessi Sposi, a classic here in Italy! It was so hard to keep reading her thoughts - I seriously wanted to shut her up!

    Have a great weekend!
    my FF

  8. Bad editing is definitely a deal breaker. I've run across books that everyone is raving about and yet I can't get past the first chapter because the editing is so bad. Also, I'm sick of virgins. If I have to read about another virgin (that's not young adult) I'm gonna scream. Ditto in the happy endings that wrap up all neat. A little reality goes a long way with me.

    New follow via GFC.

    Julie~ New Adult Addiction

  9. Really good answers! Bad editing can definitely ruin a potentially good story. Whiny characters are a big one for me as well, I wish I'd thought about it when I was doing up my FFF this week haha! Anyways, thanks for sharing, new follower via GFC & NB.

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows

  10. Whiny characters are a definite turn off. I don't like hearing it from my hubby or kids, much less in my head from my characters. I have a bad habit of relating that voice to a rich 'valley' blond cheerleader, lol.

    New follower via GFC.

    ~ Cia

  11. I agree with your answer.

  12. Whiny characters really bug me too! :) Especially the ones the whine about their love triangles.

    New follower on GFC. Read my FF here


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