
Friday, June 8, 2012

Review: The Bridge of Deaths

Title: The Bridge of Deaths
Author: M.C.V. Egan
Page Count (Paperback): 372
Rating: 3 TURTLES: An enjoyable read, but I suggest check out if you like the topic before adding it to your TBR.


Follow Bill and Maggie in London 2010 as they explore the events of August 15th 1939. When at the brink of World War II, an English plane crashed and sunk in Danish waters. Five deaths were reported: two Standard Oil of New Jersey employees, a German Corporate Lawyer, an English member of Parliament, and a crew member for the airline. Bill and Maggie find a conceivable version of the events.


When I first started The Bridge of Deaths, I was very intrigued by the idea. The story of this sunken plane told from the perspective of people uncovering the facts present day, not just with files but with the aid of psychics and past life regressions as well. I thought the whole set up was a very original mix of mystery/historical fiction with a touch of the supernatural.

The main characters in the story are Bill, who is suffering from nightmares of the plane crash because of an unresolved past life, Maggie,
Bill’s girlfriend, and Catalina, a middle-aged woman whose grandfather was on the plane. I really enjoyed Maggie and Bill’s relationship, they were very sweet and I felt that their relationship was very real. While I enjoyed Catalina’s background story, most of the time she interacts with Bill and Maggie she is talking about the information on the plane crash she has accumulated over years. At times these chapters just felt like excessive info-dumps to me, and it got a little hard to read. That is why I gave this book a 3 instead of a 3.5 or 4, because overall I enjoyed the story, but if you are not interested in history, then you may find the information heavy parts difficult to get through.

I would recommend this book to fans of historical fiction, especially for those interested in the time around WWII. 


  1. I love historical fiction. This sounds like a great read.

    1. Thanks tinkerbell I would love to offer you a free pdf. copy to enjoy or to review. Swing by my website and use the contact form.
      Thanks again for the comment!

  2. Thanks for the review Larissa. It is a very detailed factual historical account. So glad you liked Bill and Maggie.
    M.C.V. Egan


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