
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Follow Friday!

Q. Do you judge a book by it's cover?
A. I am embarrassed to say that I have. I judged 'City of Bones' by it's cover and almost did not read it, but my friend said it was good and now it is one of my all time favorites!

~ Larissa


  1. Old follower hopping through. Hope you'll come visit me at

  2. Old follower, hopping by! I, too, pick books by their covers! It's hard to resist the really pretty ones!

  3. I think it's just in a readers nature to judge them. We're like bugs to light the more interesting the cover...the more interesting the book maybe.

  4. I'm your latest follower via FF and would love you to visit me when you get a chance.

  5. Oh boy, I think we are all guilty of this-- no one really looks at a boring cover and has the urge to read it, I don't think! It is always nice though when you do stumble across an amazing book that you might've passed by because of it's cover. On the other hand, it sucks when you are so excited to read a book because the cover was amazing, and the actually story fell flat.

    Anyways, I am new here to book blogging, so it's nice meeting you! Please feel free to stop by my corner of the blogging world at

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi there. I am your newest follower and I would really appreciate it if you stopped by my blog to follow me too! Thanks a bunch. :) I judge a book by its cover too, but I am not embarrassed by it, I think good cover art draws people in and the authors and publishers should try harder to have nice art work for that! (^_^)

    -Sandra from

  7. Hopping through. Glad you still read City of Bones :-)
    My Hop
    Get a free download of Wings by Aprilynn Pike at my blog!

  8. I totally judge a book by its cover and I'm not ashamed to admit it. LOL!

    I'm going to be following your blog, please stop by mine and say hi!

    -Amanda P


  9. Yes, I surely do judge a book by the cover. Not always but more often then not. I'm known for not reading synopsis so if your cover doesn't show me what I want to know or if someone doesn't recommend it... chances are I'm reading someone else's book.

    Please do stop by for a crumpet, find out about a new MeMe & to check out my newest giveaway :)

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  10. Wow, 60 followers! Thanks so much you guys!!!!

  11. New follower here! Just hopping by for follow friday! Check out my blog: :)

  12. I judge a book by its cover too!
    New Follower :)

    Come visit my blog if you have time.

  13. I love books with pretty covers. They always get my attention first when I'm browsing around. ;)

    I'm a new follower!

  14. Hi, this is my first time to participate in The Friday Follow My Blog Hop-A lot of the 500 or so blogs I do follow join in every week so I thought why not try it-I will happily return all follows

    The Reading Life

    Mel u

    I am happy to be a new follower of your blog and look forward to reading your future posts

  15. Hi Larissa

    Thanks for having a look at my blog I'm now a new follower, love your turtle button it's so cute!


  16. Hi Larissa!

    New follower here! Absolutely. That has happened to me too. For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my taste.
    Happy Follow Friday!!!
    You can check out my website and to see what kind of books I write.
    I have two other pen names,
    L.J.Leger -
    Jadette Paige - and

  17. Yes, I often judge books by their covers, and I'm so glad when my old favorites get much-needed makeovers.

    I'm a new follower, and invite you to check out my sites and follow me as well. You might enjoy the recent haiku-related post at my Novel blog.

  18. Just hopping for covers, if a book is good, I could care less what the cover looks like. But if I'm browsing around a bookstore, I always go for the books with the prettier covers.

    Check out my Follow Friday Post and some of my favorite cover designs.

  19. The cover is the first thing that attracts you to the book.

    stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  20. I like the cover of City of Bones :P

    Following you ;)

  21. I've learned the hard way to never buy a book based off the cover. I have found some great books that don't have nice covers. I'm already a follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  22. I think we can all agree that even the most beautiful book cover can't sell a book if the writing's not there. Book cover art may, at best, help steer me in the book's direction (especially if I'm in a book store) but it's not going to hypnotize me into buying it right then and there.

    I expound on all the marketing qualities of a good book. Just follow me back to my book blog -

    Thank God it's Follow Friday!?

    Howard Sherman

  23. New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  24. Hey! I did the same thing with the MI series, it's a good thing we both got over our cover prejudice eh? I'm a new follower; have a great weekend!!

  25. At first glance, yes. I'm either instantly drawn in or repelled by a books cover. If someone recommends a book or I'm able to read an excerpt that successfully captures my interest, then I can overlook the cover. However, first glances do matter. If the cover is pretty aweful, I might not take the time to read the excerpt.

    I'm a new Follower! Happy Follow me Friday's!


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