
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Follow Friday

Question: What are five silly book related facts about you?

1. When I was four I told my mom I was going to be a book-worm, even though I didn't know how to read yet.
2. I am related to Stephan Crane, the author of 'The Red Badge of Courage' (he's like my great-great uncle or something)
3. I can spend hours in bookstores just staring at the books.
4. My friend recommended that I read 'The Mortal Instruments' even though I didn't like the cover very much, I thought because of Jace's bare chest that it was a romance novel and I have never liked those. It is now one of my favorites.
5. I have an absurd passion for fantasy.

Please be sure to leave a link so that I can follow you back!


  1. Great facts! I could spend all day in a bookstore too. New follower =]

    That's What Liz Read

  2. I love your blog!!! Glad to have you following me too :)

  3. Hopping through. New follower! I can and often do spend hours upon hours in bookstores.
    My Hop

  4. Covers can turn me off too and once I read them I wonder why I hesitated in the first place! I'm a new follower! My FF is at Coffee Table Press

  5. Mortal Instruments was an awesome series! good choice to overlook cover!! :)
    new follower! :)

  6. Hi Larissa!
    We were just talking about the Mortal Instruments last night on Twitter (@the_bookfaery)! It's one of my favs, too!

    I have the same love of fantasy! Without it, life would be so boring!

    Stop by and see me!

    Kristi-The Book Faery's FF

  7. Hello! New follower here!

    I can spend hours in books stores too! There's just too many books to check out!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  8. Haiku entries:

    Break out the Ginseng
    We are of a certain age
    What was I saying...?

    Liminal. Subliminal.
    Sacred Soul at play.

    Ashes to ashes.
    Smashana Kali watches.
    Nothing's as(h) it seems.

  9. 5 silly book facts:

    1) I always open up a new book and smell it.
    2) When I was a kid I used to always keep a book in the bathroom drawer. My parents couldn't figure out what was taking me so long in there :).
    3) My favorite place to read is in the tub.
    4) If I read comedy books in bed I laugh so hard I wake my husband up (so I don't do it very often!).
    5) I let my twin 3 year olds watch 7 hours of TV in a row once so I could finish the fourth Harry Potter book. Bad mama!


I love comments, and I will definitely read anything that is left here. Don't be shy, I'd love to know what you are thinking!